Welcome to my website, I am a labour economist working at the ILO Office for Türkiye where I am currently studying the impact of the February 2023 earthquakes on the labour market of the affected areas.  


Previous work in Ankara includes a follow up of the pandemic, with the latest update containing the impact of the anti-COVID19 measures on hours worked during 2021 at the national, regional and sectoral level thanks to a nowcasting model based on Google mobility data. This report was part of a series of research briefs focused on the pandemic effects. Other briefs contained initial ILO estimates on employment losses in Turkey (December update), on the impact on hours worked (January update) and on the impact of the second wave on hours worked (March update). 


My work in Türkiye also covered the preparation of a report for the ILO on the working conditions of Syrian refugees in Turkey. The methodology I developed to identify refugees in the microdata was published in the IZA Journal of Development and Migration while the analysis on Syrian refugees' working conditions can be found here.



E-mail:       pinedo1985@gmail.com

Brief bio:

I started studying economics in Salamanca, the city where I was born. I continued my graduate studies at two different although complementary places, UCD Dublin and the University of the Basque Country. Then, I took the opportunity to further broaden my knowledge at the University of Southampton, where I finished my PhD studies. Since then I have been working as an economist in a number of departments of the International Labour Organization.